This is good information.
Will they submit a new release that has bug fixes?
Originally Posted by capsize
There's a bug when Allow Attachments? is set to "No" and Dismiss Attachments? is set to "Yes" in the EI options. In this mode, the attachments are supposed to be discarded and the post is supposed to be made using only the text portion of the email.
In the code for this mode, there's an error that causes the emailed post/reply with the attachment(s) to be left undeleted in the incoming mailbox and causes processing to skip the message entirely with no post made to the forum.
The fix is this:
Comment out the statement in line 515 (assuming v2.6.1beta) of emailintegration.php to allow the post to proceed without the attachments:
PHP Code:
else if ($d_message['attachments'] AND $vbulletin->options['ei_allow_attachments'] == 0 AND $vbulletin->options['ei_dismiss_attachments'] == 1) { $eilog .= "Attachments dismissed: " . $userinfo['username'] . "\r\n"; $mailmessage .= "\r\n\r\n[Attachments are disabled from email. Non-text portions have been removed.]"; //continue; /**** comment out to fix the bug ****/ }
Thanks a million for adding this mode, Cyricx!