I have read your posts but i have not yet done. The column doesn't show T________T. I followed some steps below:
- Upload necessary files in the upload folder.
- Import the .XML file.
- I enable left column with the witdh 160 (default). Then I choose All pages. At Column start point option, I keep it default (below header and above navbar). I allow everyone to view.
- I export .XML to add some rows.

I don't know if it is true @_@
Some rows and the quotation in the .XML file:
<template name="usc_block_1" templatetype="template" date="1207162379" username="peterska2" version="2.0" />
<td class="alt1"><a href="http://ddth.com">
<img src="http://localhost/f/images/banner/bn1.jpg">
<template name="usc_block_10" templatetype="template" date="1207162511" username="peterska2" version="2.0" />
( the blue lines are default, I don't change)
- And then I open forum homepage, no column appears @__@.
Can someone help me pls? Can someone post your code including the default lines, for example my code? I 'm a complete beginner and don't know where to put it : [
Thanks for any help....