I am no PHP expert, my PHP knowledge is very basic but this is what I did.
In ezbounce.php on line 46 look for
$vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'u', TYPE_UINT);
Change it to
$vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'u', TYPE_STR);
Then on line 51 look for
WHERE userid = " . $vbulletin->GPC['u'] . "
Change it to
WHERE email = " . $vbulletin->GPC['u'] . "
Now the URL will except your users email instead of their userid.
You just need to use
To process the user, replacing (USER@EMAIL) with your actual users email address.
Regarding the Macro, I use Macro Express and it is quite basic but very specific to me so sharing it would not really help you. Here are the steps I carried out though.
I sent a mass mailing to members, and the bounces start to arrive.
I then use eMail Bounce Handler to grab and handle the bounces.
After about 24 hours I have the majority of the bounces so I export all the hard bounces to a txt file.
Then I use Macro Express to process the list.
The macro basically doe this
Brings the txt file full of emails one per line to the front.
Positions the curser at the front of the first line then cuts the first line
Presses delete to remove the blank line left after the cut.
Brings my browser to the front and selects all in the URL box.
Types in the ezbounce URL stopping after the "="
Pastes the email address and hits enter
A 5 second delay then it repeats itself.
Very primitive I know but it does the job. If I had more time I would learn how to read in a txt file and process the emails all within the script but it was quicker for me to just use a macro at this time.
Now the end result I just have some soft bounces left that I can check more closely before adding them to a list.
Over the next few days there will be some odd bounces etc so I can wait and process them later.
I hope this helps and if you do use Macro Express and want my macro file as a starting point I am happy to share. You will need to tweak it specific for you but I can help with that if you need it.