About time someone made a new vb irc integration mod and actually kept it up to date!
A few things that I've hacked into my vbjirc install that I'm sure more members would find useful:
- Being able to add pjirc applet params in the config. There are a massive amount of variables used to configure pjirc, giving users more access to these would make this a lot more popular. Simple things from the basics like making it so people can't leave certain channels to completely skinning the applet, having the default blue on a theme that isn't the same colours just looks ugly. Also being able to change the applet width, there's no problems with it being set to a percentage if you're using a fluid theme. Obviously these can all be changed in the template, but would be handy to have them in the options.
- Different params depending on usergroups? Restricting channels/colours/smilie usage if they're a guest, giving more options depending on other groups, etc.
- Nick/ident checking before connecting. One thing where vbjirc fails is it doesn't rewrite the nick names if they're not irc compatible. Obviously every network is different, so this really has to be something set by the administrator. You obviously can't connect to a server with spaces in your nick, and on some networks you can't connect if your nickname starts with a number.
- Multiple servers. Most major networks have more than one, and will only allow connection from ones closest geographically. For someone who doesn't know about IRC, having the client cycle through several different servers if it doesn't connect the first time would make life easier.
All of these are just ideas, in reality 90% of my users never heard of irc (Even though our community started there, and grew into a forum..) and still find it a bit too complex!