I don't see any register link at your website !! If someone registers at your website, his records get inserted in website's database as well as forums database, right? Is it vice versa?
yes, it works like that, but our company is a small IT company and we are working to provide support to our registered clients on internet.
for this, we are not providing register facility to anyone else but it is for only admin people or internal staff to make someone register.
I'd recommend you using vB's database for your website as well so that if the user logs in to your website, he can easily navigate to forums page without losing his session plus your burden of managing 2 databases would be reduced. For this, why don't you create a Deluxe vB User login and access control on non vB pages. This way, you can easily integrate vB's login system on your site.
we have some other software upgradation and knowledgebase software accessed by only perticular permission for user from our user table, so it is hard to use vbulletin db for the same,
thanks anyways