Nice look vietfancy!
I added 1 thing to your quote design. I created a user profile field giving the user the choice of the original 'vBulletin' quote or your 'custom' style. Rather than "replace" the templates I placed a conditional:
PHP Code:
<if condition="$bbuserinfo['field25'] == 'sharp'">
. . . your code
<else />
. . . original code
Seems to work OK and gives the board a little more individuality and flare. I love it when someone says "how'd you do that?" and I of course reply "you should check your usecp options a little more often".
Oh, I also added a very thin:
PHP Code:
border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;
to the CSS and like it just fine!
thx from Rabbit
(Oops! Users have choice of three styles now! Just saw "Better Quote Box" which I labeled as "rounded". Why Not? Might have to play with text size and color on this one, kinda jumps out at ya.)