Hello Karim004,
Thanks for the update, its a big step forward. However, using a comma as a code separator will conflict with any type of flash banner a user would like to embed, as flash embed codes generally have commas in them.
For example, this is the code I have setup in
Who Sees Ads, I thought it might help to show you what an end user like me is trying to do:
<div id="leaderboardad">
<a href="http://mydomian.com/twoweeksin/" onClick="javascript: pageTracker._trackPageview ('/webads/leaderboard_twoweeksin');" target="_self"><img src="http://mydomian.com/blog/wp-content/ads/twoweeksin_ad1.jpg" alt="Two Weeks In... " name="leaderboard1" width="728" height="90" /></a>
*** CODE ***
<div id="leaderboardad"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var so = new SWFObject("http://mydomian.com/blog/wp-content/ads/forum/DESTROYER2noLoopb.swf", "ForumDestroyer", "728", "90", "9", "");
so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");
*** CODE ***
<div id="leaderboardad"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var so = new SWFObject("http://mydomian.com/blog/wp-content/ads/burton/ESTbanner.swf", "BurtonEST", "728", "90", "9", "");
so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");
As you can see, the first banner in the set is a plain JPEG with some Google Analytics tracking code, the second and third banners are Flash banners embedded using the
swfobject.js embed method. As you can see from my code, using a comma will not separate the banners correctly. May I suggest you use a unique code separator instead of a comma (ideally this could be changed by the user) such as ***CODE*** or ***ROTATE***, that way a user could use your plugin to embed anything, even non ads!
And, doing it this way would mean the user could specify his own DIVs and CSS, thus removing the need to edit templates to center ads, or anything like that. As the users is placing their own DIVS, it would also allow ads to be embedded that are different sizes, so you wouldn't need the global size setting anymore. How awesome would that be!?
Thanks again and keep up the good work.