I've fixed it!

Rockettheme slightly modified their templates' index.php since firenzie, so some code was left out of the <head></head> section.
NOW...I still have some questions:
1) if I change the default style in Joomla's backend (same template but different style), it doesn't change in forum page. Of course it happens 'cause I have to manually change parameters in /vbulletin/head.php. Is there a way to let head.php read parameters directly from template's index.php?
2) How can I display correctly modules in forum page? I tried it but they didn't got displayed well;
3) There's a bug with vb's dropdown menus. As I click on them, they got displayed away from menu (see pic).
Sorry for too many questions

. Btw, any chance for an updated version with you CSS tips included? (to have Joomla and vbulletin working with own CSS styles).