Originally Posted by tekguru
So is the adsense script handling option now working?
i am gotta relase today a new update with the options i forgot yesterday :
1= rotation for google adsense , amazon and others
2= a easy code for the rotation and you can add both banners {{ images+link & script:adsense , amazon.... }} in same table
if i have time the permissions/section & Archive
for redlabour i am still testing the after X' Posts Feature for Postbit and the Full-Page Ads. and i changed the adesnse title for you .
Originally Posted by D.Baker
Hey Guys,
Anyway, I have my board setup (I turned on plugins) and would like to install this plugin/product (which is it?). I uploaded ads.php into my forum root (mydomian.com/forums/) and imported product-advertisement_.xml through the product manager. If that's the correct thing to do, now what?
I can't seem to find the advertisement admin panel as shown in the screenshots so I think I may have done something wrong. Can I even get to that admin panel through my admincp? Or is a different thing altogether. Like I said, I'm a complete n00b, sorry and thanks.
Admincp , vBulletin Options , Advertisement System :: ForumDisplay & Full Page