Contacted the developer at his site and he just played games. We set up a time to fix my issues and when the time came he just ignored me, even after sending several pm's to him. Good thing about yahoo messenger is that you see when the user comes on/off and I always sent the pms when he 1st came online.
Anyways several days passed and he finally pm's me back telling me that he has more important things to do rather than some message board. So I tell him he should have never set up a time-line with me then and that was the end of it, well at least I thought.
I uninstalled his hack and then he had the nerve to come back a week later and pm me via yahoo saying: "Hey Numnuts... I have finished school so now I can look at the hack". He obviously likes to play head games and has problems with concentrating with his responsibilities he takes on.
Because of my experience with him I will NEVER install another one of his hacks again and I strongly warn everybody else with the "Buyer Beware" saying.