Argh - more Failures then in 1.0:
- You did not renamed "Google Adsense" to Ad-Script?s
- Still the same Terrible format of own Codes
- Useless Full-Page because after X Posts is missing
As long as you did not implement a useful Codedesign i will uninstall. :down:
Take the Codedesign from vBAdManagement or something else useful forget it.
Or give us a useful Instruction.
//Edit Then Copy&Paste This Code
myimages[1]="Full Link For Banner1"
myimages[2]="Full Link For Banner2"
myimages[3]="Full Link For Banner3"
//specify corresponding links below for your banners
var imagelinks=new Array()
imagelinks[1]="Full Link For website1"
imagelinks[2]="Full Link For website2"
imagelinks[3]="Full Link For website3"
slideshowcontent[0]=["banner1_link", "website1_link", "_new"]
slideshowcontent[1]=["banner2_link", "website2_link", "new"]
slideshowcontent[2]=["banner3_link", "website3_link", "new"]
What the Hell means "_new" and did we need these " Signs?
What?s the problem to make it work like this simple Design:
<img src="" border="0" alt="Israel Heute"></img></a>|<a href=""
target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="More than Dreams"></img></a>
and so on ....
And who needs Full-Page Feature if you forget the Full-Feature after X Posts????
I remembered you 4 Times in our PM Discussion.
Sorry Guy - this release is not what you have told me and other to be released.