Only proxy based one i see in any of the ones mentioned here is Not sure how good it is. Putting it at front of my list, with after it. See what picks up.
While the spam reduction is good, the HTTP, web based anonymizers is what needs to be blocked consistently. Most trolls don't understand full proxy programs or situations, they just use the web based ones found in google searches.
As for "Feature Requests"
- It would be good so that if you allow registrations, with automatic banning, if you then review the situation and decide to unban the person, you can send them an altered Email with reactivation codes. Something like:
Banning Information
Banned by RBL DoubleCheck XYZ [LIFT BAN]
Lift Ban does -
--Removes Custom User Title we just put there.
-- Moves to "Users Waiting Email Confirmation" usergroup.
-- Sends email with new activation codes
-- Additional lines in that email state (template it up so we can adjust i guess)
---- that they were originally banned due to their IP being on a Blacklist,
---- due to further review, staff has decided to approve their registration.
---- please click the link to re-confirm their account.
---- their account will be watched for X amount of time to double check for spam, trolling, or alt id abuse.
Also might be good to add links in the Edit User Page under the banned box directly to link pages for, and/or google searches on the username. That way you can quickly see if that person exists on other sites/forums, etc.
Possibly parse their email to do a search for whatever they entered before the @ symbol, and do a google search for that too. That sometimes brings up useful data.
All those searches and the data that can come back can help you discern if the person is real and/or a trouble maker elsewhere, therefore allowing a false-positive to be reversed easily.