Ok, guys, I think I've fixed the AJAX problem.
Uploaded the solution 15 minutes ago to my forum and some users have already told me that they got no more "missing security token" errors.
The solution is quite simple:
- Edit the ajax-product-sids_hide_v0.3.5-vborg-en.xml
- Look up the following line of code:
- Replace it with the next one:
unhide.send("do=whatever&p="+postid+"&all="+old+"&securitytoken=" + SECURITYTOKEN);
- Save the file
- Reinstall the product
And that's it. Once the product has been reinstalled, the links associated with your "thank you" buttons will look like http://yourdomain/forumroot/post_thanks.php?do=post_thanks_add&p=452781&securi tytoken=a2a47806c680a2843a98da216896c82f1fae8288
Gosh... it was a real pain in the ass this problem