Originally Posted by Hostboard
Tried Mikes pluggin but I get "Invalid File Specified" when I try to upload it.
Hostboard. The file
Mike-D attached isn't a plugin, per se. It works only if you have the
Template Modification System addon installed. So if you don't have that installed yet, you should try that first! Or you can just use my instructions to do this manually. I promise it's really really simple!
Originally Posted by YLP1
Thank you so much for this!!! Did I miss the announcebits in the mod template changes because I didn't see that added back with the mod changes.
You're welcome,
YLP1! Do you mean in the original instructions attached in my OP? Sure, it's in there -- right at the start of the replacement code in Step #3, in the third line or so. You should see:
<!-- Modified Thread Search Layout -->
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
(That's only the start of the replacement code, not the whole thing. Cut for brevity's sake!)
Originally Posted by YLP1
Also is there a way to search for both date AND poster at the same time with this mod?
Hm, well, except for the prefix filters, these are really just sorting options, not searches exactly. I'm pretty sure you can only sort by one thing at a time.
Basically whatever you can do with the standard vBulletin "Display Options" is available here -- it's just the layout that's changed.