Originally Posted by peterle1
Thanks for the quick answer.
could you give me a little hint, where to put the code, to have 7 tabs with pulldown menues and not to show the 8th tab.
Thanks again for your help. 
Adding more popups and X-out the 8th Tabbar?- Goto your admincp and open styles manager...
- Goto minitabbars templates group and find this template...>>> mini_tabbars_html
- Open template

What you want to do is edit the <TD id="
edit here with new dropmenu name"> per tab...
Next add this code per tab so that the javascript will activate the dropdown...>>>
<script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("
edit here with new dropmenu name]"); </script>
Where the hec do I add the above code you say?
Look at code below and find javascript,,, thats where you will add it per tab...
HTML Code:
<if condition="$show['popups']">
<td class="minitabbarttclass"><img src="images/minitabs/tabbar_left$vboptions[minitabbar_colornum3].gif" height="27" width="10"></td>
<td id="$vboptions[mini_tabbars_popups1]" class="minitabbarttclass" background="images/minitabs/tabbar_middle$vboptions[minitabbar_colornum3].gif" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top"><img src="$vboptions[mini_tabbars_spacerimage]" height="9" width="1"><br><a class="minitabbarselect" href="$vboptions[url_minitabbar_href3]" title="$vboptions[title_minitabbars_info3]">$titleminitabbar3</a><script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("$vboptions[mini_tabbars_popups1]"); </script></if></td>
<td class="minitabbarttclass"><img src="images/minitabs/tabbar_right$vboptions[minitabbar_colornum3].gif" height="27" width="10"></td>
Goto styles manager again and open minitabbars group,,, find dropdown template and open..
After that add your dropdown code into the dropdown template so that it matches your
ID and
REGISTER names...
Deleting the 8th tabbar?
Open styles manager and find minitabbars group,,, open
mini_tabbars_html template and look at bottom of code and delete only the end tabbar or you can comment it out with
//* at the begining and
*// at the end...