TCB! Glad it's useful, and I agree, this placement seems much more logical than the default -- especially when there are lots of threads within a forum, which means the filtering options are easily missed since they're all the way at the bottom of the screen.
Hostboard: Absolutely! In step #3 of my instructions, you'd just place the following:
PHP Code:
Into the code wherever you want. (By default this phrase is "Display Options".)
For example, in the "after" sample image, you can see the area that says "Showing threads 1 of 2." To change this to "Display Options: Showing threads 1 of 2" you'd go to Step #3 of my instructions and look for:
<td class="thead"><phrase 1="$limitlower" 2="$limitupper" 3="$totalthreads">$vbphrase[showing_threads_x_to_y_of_z]</phrase></td>
and change this to:
<td class="thead">$vbphrase[display_options]: <phrase 1="$limitlower" 2="$limitupper" 3="$totalthreads">$vbphrase[showing_threads_x_to_y_of_z]</phrase></td>
Does this make sense? Another option might be to place the "Display Options:" text to the left of all the dropdown filter/sort menus. To do this, again using the third step of my instructions (or if you've already installed the template mod you can just search in your edited template):
Search for:
<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center">
<if condition="$prefix_options">
Replace with:
<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center">
<if condition="$prefix_options">
(You might want to surround the display options phrase with <span class="smallfont"> and </span> if the text looks too big.)
Let me know if this works for you, or if I'm not clear enough.