Originally Posted by Meidos
Yes im aware that theres no feature like that which is why im asking how this can be done if the coder could help me
I'm sorry Meidos, it that case it was an interpretation error on my behalve. I thought you were still asking how to do it with this mod while it's not possible. So I'm sorry for my comment that way.
In fact you are asking the coder (or somebody else) if he could supply a piece of code for you, so you can implement it yourself until the next release is out, correct?
Originally Posted by Meidos
Since your solution is not the best because adding the files manually on download front page will enable a potentional hotlink. So your solution is out of question.
That's correct, but if you symlink to the dir on the other hd you can protect that with chmod rights. However there's another solution if you have root on the system.
You could create another user and point the homedirectory of that user to a directory on the 2nd HD. Then you could symlink to that homedirectory without security risks because that users is chrooted too then, only thing left is to take care that your user also has upload rights on that users homedir.
But I agree with you that a php solution would be nicer. I hope Jelle can help you out with that.
@Darkblade: With this mod you can define how many mb or files a user is allowed to download. So I think the answer to your question is "yes".