TCB. Sorry, the changes mentioned in my OP are comparing this to the original 3.6.x version. This new 3.7.0 version is unchanged and the instructions are in the text file attached to the OP.
This is indeed a
Template Modification, so yes, you need to manually edit a template (
forumdisplay in this case). The instructions are pretty easy though! Shouldn't take you more than five - ten minutes, tops.
However, if you use the
Template Modification System product addon, you can use the xml link up in
Mike D's post.
Please note that I can't verify that this works because I don't personally have TMS installed. (I'm weird in that I kinda enjoy modifiying the templates myself, since I think it helps me understand what changes are being made to the system.)
Let me know if you have any problems. Thanks and good luck!