Here's a little more info on thos who want a better display...
I had problems, in firefox it looked great, but in IE the letters looked too small... i had various settings etc with the iframe height, i needed a bigger box because my letters looked larger, i didn't realize it was set for those using internet explorer (thus smaller letters)
anyways i found a solution, looks the same (near enough) in firefox and IE
But i need a way in the 'lcd' template to detect and IE broswer and change a setting, don't know how to do that yet, but if you look at the 'lcd.php' file you'll find this code
if (is_browser('ie') OR is_browser('opera')) $cssfont = "5px";
- cssfont i changed to 5, it made the height of my letters in IE larger, but they still looked too slim... but you can change that in the 'lcd' template, find
pre { font: 9px courier new; line-height: $cssfont; letter-spacing: -1px; }
- see the last part as
-1, well thats the setting for IE, the default
-3 is fine for firefox, so if you know how to switch values in that template depending on which browser you use then great, my iframe size in the 'lcd display' template is this >
<iframe name="led" src="lcd.php" style="width:100%; height:35px" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>