Originally Posted by NeverBored
Copy and paste the postbit_attachmentimage template contents into the postbit_attachmentthumbnail template (delete the current contents in postbit_attachmentthumbnail)
Make sure you have thumbnail creation on. This will display the thumbnails for use with this hack, and in the thread will display the fullsize image (what you would normally see if you clicked on the thumbnail of an attached image), which is what I understood you were asking to accomplish...
It's a quick fix and shouldn't pose any problems other than the fact potentially a lot of thumbnails are created that aren't used if you have a lot of image uploads.
Hi neverbored,
thanks for explaining this. This is what happens:
if we have thumbnail creation on, when we post a message with attachment, it shows a (correct) thumbnail before the post. Inside the post however, it still shows a thumbnail instead of the full size photo.
When, after creating this post, I switch thumbnail creation off again, than the situation is how we would like to have it: thumbnail before the post and fullsize inside..
Of course we can not have thumbnail creation switched to off..
Any suggestion?
Thanks a lot!!