1. Copy the entire forums folder to a new location, this way your file/directory structure would remain intact.
2. For the database part, you can use the inbuilt vB's feature. Go to admincp->Maintainance->Database Backup. However, Database backup via PHP is only recommended for those with small databases as timeouts may occur. Saving to the server or backup via command line is more reliable.
You can try
SQLYog. Its a wonderful application software to manage MySQL db's. I use the same. Not sure if it works on linux server as well (coz i'm on windows). Also, your host must allow external connections to database server. But, do try it. It has a free version too.
3. After completing the above processes, create a copy of
config.php file, edit the values like forumpath and upload/overwrite it to the new location.
4. you can now login at the admincp of your test board. Do not forget to go to vB options->Site name/url/contact details->and edit the Forum URL value to he new test board's location.
I hope this helps !!