Hello! I'm having some problems with the photopost integration. I'd post for help over there, but the header and footer files are actually coming from vbulletin, so I just need to know how to change those. Everything works as it should in the forum, but the header links (log in, user CP, etc) and footer links (contact us, admin, etc) are pointing to the wrong folder in the gallery. I think I need to add the full URL instead of a relative one, but I can't figure out where to add that information (and I'm totally new at this - please forgive my ignorance here!).
If I need to change the path from ..../forum/usercp.php to ..../henhouse/usercp.php - how and where do I do that? Like I said, everything is working fine in the vbulletin forum, but the folks over at photopost said that I probably need to add the full URL in the vbulletin footer and header files in order for the links to work correctly.
login / password: test / test
Thanks for any help or advice!