i have come up with a another temp fix untill this guy accually fixed the thing
here is the catch though
tag cloud will not show on the following pages
showthread, forumdisplay, search
i did it on my site here is the fix if you want to do it but i realy hope this guys just fixes the mod cause ya its nice to have every where just blows that it dont work fully
here is the fix though
Go to plugin manager and find:
Replace Everything with:
if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'search' OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'forumdisplay' OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'showthread' OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'blog' OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'blog_usercp' OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'blog_subscription' OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'blog_search' OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'blog_search' OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'blog_report' OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'blog_post' OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'blog-newattachment' OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'blog_inlinemod' OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'blog_callback' OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'blog_attachment' OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'blog_ajax' OR THIS_SCRIPT == 'blog_external') {
} else {
$vbulletin->templatecache['tag_cloud_box'] = str_replace('$vbphrase[tag_cloud]', 'Tag Cloud', $vbulletin->templatecache['tag_cloud_box']);
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_search.php');
$tag_cloud = fetch_tagcloud('usage');
if ($tag_cloud)
eval('$headinclude .= "' . fetch_template('tag_cloud_headinclude') . '";');
Remember this is a temp fix as was my last one untill this guys fixes these problems
the tag box will be disabled on the pages that show the time well the pages that matter most i should say
but ya just do that and it will be fine untill this guy fixes this crap