Hi Nebula and Ced,
Private Messages - I don't really know what you are talking about
I want to say that in my phpBB forum, I have send and receive a lot of privates messages. And after the import in VB, i see only my receive message with a certainly good number of mes, but the number of sending mes is zero and of course i can't see my sending messages
I really would like to try your hack, but is there a way to connect to phpBB database with same username as databasename ?
I have the same problem, because with free servers you have "always" only one database. If you want to import from phpBB to VB with only one db, you stop the phpBB forum, you rename the table ACCESS and SESSION with anything like *OLD, and you can start a new installation of VB (admin/install.php) with fresh tables and after, run the importation from phpBB.
That all