This was a pretty tough set of defs this time around. We've got some updates, but not near as many as I would have liked. Only two.
Vurb Moto resisted embedding on my site. The RegEx just bounced back to a URL for me. I'm still not sure why. I don't know if has anything to do with the virus that tried to hit me when I last visited the site, but I'm trying to work around it. If someone wants to demo the definition I have, I'll be glad to share it with them.
First up, I've got a "working" definition for
BooMP3. The reason I use quotes is because it works, as long as the video does not use special or foreign language characters as part of it's name. So, for example, URLs like...
...embed just fine. But URLs like...生命有價Андрей-Макаревич-Моя-любовьキセキ resistance. I'm not sure if this has something to do with the language my site uses, or a character issue, or what. This is just outside my knowledge, but if anyone is willing to experiment with this on their site, I would love to hear what kind of results your getting.
H3Press gave me no problems, and should work for all their videos. If not, be sure to let me know.
Last Minute addition here.
Daily Motion US needed to be updated again. This should make their new URL structures work, but, as always, if it doesn't, let me know. Be sure to delete/disable your olde
Daily Motion US definition prior to adding this one.