Originally Posted by shanejeffery86
Hey Mark. First off, thanks for the design bud.
I am having a bit of an issue with the Thread Display title when someone clicks on a thread. If you look at the tab name in either IE or Firefox, it will say "'Thread Title' - After Dark#post1". Which template do I need to edit in order for the page title to read as "'Thread Title' - After Dark"?
Thanks again.
It would be in the SHOWTHREAD template which is not modified in this style. The code is at the top of the template:
<title>$thread[prefix_plain_html] $thread[title]<if condition="$pagenumber>1"> - <phrase 1="$pagenumber">$vbphrase[page_x]</phrase></if> - $vboptions[bbtitle]</title>
Based on the code above, your title should be THREAD TITLE - FORUM NAME (title). Are you running vbseo or something else that would change that?