I've done something like that to my arcade but I removed the Newest Games column and shifted the Most Popular from the right-side to the left.
Open your skin_Arcade.php or skin_v3arcade.php and find
{$tourneyinfo['announcement']}<br />
<div class="tborder">
<table width='100%' border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
<td align="center" width="20%" nowrap="nowrap" class="tcat"> </td>
<td align="center" width="60%" nowrap="nowrap" class="tcat">$totalstext</td>
<td align="center" width="20%" nowrap="nowrap" class="tcat"> </td>
Replace that wit:
{$tourneyinfo['announcement']}<br />
<div class="tborder">
<table width='100%' border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
<td align="right" width="20%" nowrap="nowrap" class="tcat"> </td>
<td align="center" width="80%" nowrap="nowrap" class="tcat">$totalstext</td>
You then want to find:
<td class="alt1" align="center" valign="top" style="width: 60%;padding-left:7px;padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:5px;">
<div class='tborder'>
<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4'>
<th width='100%' align='center' nowrap='nowrap' class='tcat' colspan='3'><img src="./arcade/images/trophy.gif" border="0" alt="" />{$ibforums->lang['infobox_top3title']}<img src="./arcade/images/trophy.gif" border="0" alt="" /></th>
And change the 60% to 80%
Then find this and delete it:
<td class="alt1" align="right" valign="top" style="width: 20%;padding-left:7px;padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:5px;">
<div class="tborder">
<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='4'>
<td align="center" width="20%" nowrap="nowrap" class="tcat">{$ibforums->lang['infobox_mostplayed']}</td>
<td class="alt2" align="right" valign="top" style="width: 20%;padding-right:7px;padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:5px;">
<td align="center" width="20%" nowrap="nowrap" class="tcat">{$ibforums->lang['infobox_randomgame']}</td>
<td width='20%' align='center' nowrap='nowrap' class='alt2' valign='middle'><br />{$ran_games}</td>
Think that should be it. Please back up your arcade skins before trying though because I may have forgotten something :erm:
That should give you a column layout similar to the attached screenshot (but for New Games instead of Most Played)