Originally Posted by XiZa
It would be nice if you had an easier install like that other chat product. Yours is still superior though 
You mean due to the command installation ?
This is because I wanted to allow coders to make their own commands.
Originally Posted by estatiktik
ok its my first install and its not showing it at all...
- Go in the Plugin manager of your admincp
- Edit the "Chatbox display on forumhome" plugin
- Replace : $search_text = '$forumhome_markread_script';
- By : $search_text = '$chatbox_forumhome';
- Then, go into the Style manager and edit the FORUMHOME template
- Put the $chatbox_forumhome var before the $footer var
i did that step but nothing happend and i cant find the $search_text but found it on $find = '$forumhome_markread_script';
what did i do wrong...please help...thanks
Have you set usergroup permissions ?
Originally Posted by XiZa
I just checked out the mgc_cb_evo_chat table, why are you not denormalizing the usernames? Like done in the thread and post table? Wouldn't that also make it less resource intensive? No extra , unnecessary join etc.
You are not exactly right. They indeed have the username in the post and thread tables but the joins are still there.
The username are in those table in case a user is removed from the system.
Originally Posted by XiZa
and same for the session table (who is online)
Same answer.