Originally Posted by Jase2
It goes down to preference then. Most computer users are seen as GEEKS. I've seen so many people who use computers a lot to be told to get a life. Most people really think that.
Yes, life is too short. So, why not get out there and explore the world? I've been working for a while (part time, of course) so I know how important money can be. But, there is still more to life. I'd rather be with the love of my life, than have all the money in the world. As I've stated earlier, money cannot buy love, friends ect. However, lets disagree to agree 
My problem is you are grossly stereotyping / judging people from an entire profession.
Ironically enough, it's the people who do this stuff as a hobby who are the geeks rather than those who do it professionally. Not to point fingers, but I think that would make you fall under this category, and also explain your attitude towards the matter. If you (or anyone) spends a ton of time on the computer not doing anything productive and its getting in the way of real social interactive, then yeah, get a life.
It's not bad to be a geek, as long as you don't go overboard. Who cares what your interests are; people shouldn't be so judgmental. There are tons of people here who ,if you met, you'd never know they spend all day online. All my of my serious contacts on vb.org are either married with children, or have been with their girl for years. One of them actually quit the military to work as a programmer for reasons I've outlined earlier.
Money is a novelty when you are younger, but when you live on your own then it's a much bigger deal. Trying to finance your car, or house, or take care of a family. The average adult probably spends their whole adult life slaving away to pay back their mortgage. It won't buy you friends, but the lack of it can destroy your life.
My point is that you can work however you want and still "live". If you think the problem only lies in coding jobs, then it's inevitable you'll have the same problem no matter what job you take.
Danny, maybe a new thread focused on working as a programmer?