i made a custom page for a weather script.
inside that code i have a foreach for displaying results for 5 days.
the code is somethin like this:
PHP Code:
foreach ($index[day] as $day){
if ($values[$day][attributes][t] != ""){
$row_color = "#FFFFFF";
[ ... code code code .. a lot of code ]
echo "<tr><td class=\"alt1\">$day</td>
<td class=\"alt2\"><img align=\"middle\" border=\"0\" src=\"http://site.com/sdk/$image_size/$imag.png\" alt=\"\" />$cond</td>
<td class=\"alt1\">$min_max</td>
<td class=\"alt2\">$sunrise_sunset</td>
<td class=\"alt1\">$precip</td>
<td class=\"alt2\">$humid</td>
<td class=\"alt1\">$wspeed</td></tr>";
how to export that echo?