Originally Posted by ABDALWAHID
I will not pay off this, I mean for current keywords we have to empty table?
I have a question,
Can we even keywords more than 3 size and color with h1 h2 use with css?
And I'm really sorry for my english. I can not english that is a translation of google 
Currently, there is no function to delete the search terms.
You can edit search_cloud.php to change the font style-color.
HTML Code:
<a href='$datas[url]' style='font-size:$fontSize%'>
To change font-size:
PHP Code:
var $m_minFont = 75; // The minimum font size. No keywords will be smaller than this. This is a %
var $m_maxFont = 150; // The maximum font size. No keyworkd will be bigger than this. This is a %
var $m_averageFont = 100; // The font size of an average searhced for keyword. This is a %