Understand. I think, LOL. This plugin stuff throws me.
JBLdesign mentioned above, a similar thing. He wanted to know what "global variables" would work in the side columns. I guess not all of these variables will operate in the UCS areas. (I'm assuming this $photopostfeature code is a variable that doesn't work).
Is there a list somewhere of what we can put in the UCS boxes? I'm currently just using HTML code, and it works great (
www.russbo.org/vb/index.php), but has anyone figured out how to put other stuff in here? Like Last Posts, Statistics, Random Photo, etc??? Do we have to change any of the plugin stuff in vbulletin to make this usual forumhome stuff work in the side columns? Again, I apologize for my ignorance; I just don't fully understand the plugin system yet.
You might need a new area just for mods for the UCS columns.