Originally Posted by CrashPush
I would to set it at 950. I'm entering 950 and 950px and it does not work. I use that width with all styles and it works just fine. It really is a great skin. Bug maybe?
No bug that I know of. Works perfectly fine on my demo when I change the StyleVAR to 950.
Originally Posted by Gluxu
Forum Staff:
Here you can add your staff names, delete this area, or fill with your own informational item.
^ where it says that how do I replace
As for the logo, if you replace smoothblue/misc/logo.gif with yours, should change. Try clearing your cache. Are you using any mods that cache templates that would prevent the change from being seen immediately?
As for the text on the sidebar, I haven't looked (sorry short term memory) but it is either in the navbar, header, or footer template. Use the search template feature for that text, or part of it, and you'll see where it is.