Instructions for setting up your own responses (RSVPs)
As of version 2.0.0, you can now setup your own responses for members to use when responding to an event. Steps:
1. In the AdminCP, goto vBulletin Options -> Farcaster's Event Attendance.
2. Look for the Possible Responses text box. Here you can type in each response you want users to be able to use when registering for an event. Separate each with a carriage return. None of the responses you type in can be over 25 characters. It is generally recommended that you do not use spaces or special characters for the responses. If you want your responses to have spaces or special characters, then add a corresponding phrase for your response (described below)
3. Save your options.
Adding phrases for responses:
1. In the AdminCP, goto Language & Phrases -> Phrase Manager.
2. Change the phrase type drop down to "Calendar."
3. Select "Add New Phrase"
4. A new screen will launch to add your new phrase. Name the phrase "rsvp_response_" + the exact lowercase lettering of the response you want phrased. Example, if the response was "NoWay" then you would name the phrase: rsvp_response_noway
5. Enter the text you want to be used on the event for this response. Don't be too verbose, though, since these are still shown in radio buttons on the event.
6. If you have multiple languages on your board, type in a translation of the response text for each.
7. Save the phrase.
Setting up Your Options for Event Attendance Limits
By default, event attendance limits are allowed. If you change any of your responses, you may need to make some adjustments.
1. To enable or disable event attendance limits, in the AdminCP, goto vBulletin Options -> Farcaster's Event Attendance. Set the option "Allow Response Limits?"
2. Find the option "Responses to Include in Limit". These are the responses that are counted against the maximum event attendance limit set by the event owner. Enter each response to include in the limit in the text box separated by a carriage return. Only use the responses you have setup -- exactly as they were typed above.
3. If you want a member who tries to RSVP for a full event to be automatically shifted to a different response, change the option "Default Full Response" to be one of the other response codes. If you leave this blank, then when the event is full, the limited responses will be disabled on the RSVP form. And, if the member somehow registers under that response anyway, they will receive an error and be redirected back to the event.