Originally Posted by Lynne
Go to Usergroups > Usergroup Manager > select the usergroup to edit > go to Can Upload Custom Avatars > Yes and Can Upload Animated Avatar > Yes and then check the sizes below to make sure they are what you want them set at. Do this for every usergroup you want to have avatars.
Thanks Lynne.
Ive done this, but am still getting this error:
This JPEG image has the incorrect file extension.
The avatar I am uploading as "admin" is just a very small gif file 80x60 and isnt animated. It fits inside all the parameters as far as physical size and volume. It is a gif file - yet the error is saying it isnt a jpeg!
So its something inside VB that needs to tell it that avatars are gifs (as well!) The image manage is set to accept gifs, so Im baffled where else to look!
Site is
www.voltdeals.com if that helps