Originally Posted by Lindsey
Help Center 
Yeah - I'm wondering what the deal is... I certainly hope HelpCenter sees the out-of-beta stage soon.
EDIT - on the PaulSonny.com website:
Hello all,
As you may be aware, we've had to have a complete new site. This is because of server problems with our last host - and Paul quickly got us set-up with a new host.
Also, you may be aware that HelpCenter recently got put into the "Modification Graveyard" over at vbulletin.org. This is because of a vulnerability found. Rest assured, this is nothing major and we will have it fixed shortly.
Thanks for your patience.
That was posted on 5 May, 2008 - It's now the 9th of May, 2008 - I sure hope things are well with PAUL and JASE and the site and the HelpCenter project!