Originally Posted by Tekmon
yes we have installed it, and removed the offending <if> statement and the corrsponding </if> and have the images set properly as well. However we can not seem to assign usergroups to the channels and thus I think no one is able to see it.
On a side note when I as an admin type /team TESTTESTTEST it shows no where but if I look at the team archives then i can see the message.
Seriously any help would be appreciated.
How do you set usergroups for a channel ? Once you have created a channel, you have to change them in the command attached to the channel.
Originally Posted by Kyderoy
Ok I figured it out... I had to move the chat images to the new skin folder
Oh ok sorry I must have not well understood your question
Originally Posted by XiZa
The advantage is that users without javascript simply won't see the channel. The channel is hidden by default (style=display:none) and then shown via javascript.
Or does the channel work without javascript as well? I tested it and it just showed a "loading..." message but I forgot to check if I could post stuff on it. Maybe there should be a fallback with iframe that refreshes every x seconds instead of ajax. Ofcourse that won't be able to use the new functionality you are hopefully going to incorporate (json  ) but I think only a small part of the usrs will have javascript disabled. Maybe you should also do a check to see if ajax is enabled (and put that value in a cookie so as not to check on every page) and if not use the iframe fallback.
Btw, this message:
"Error : you can't send a private chat to this user as he doesn't have the necessary permissions to use this feature.
should be "he/she", not just "he"
This is perhaps the case for other phrases, I will correct it but it won't be a top priority task !
Originally Posted by XiZa
Btw are you supposed to get a notification when a message is posted in another channel?
If you activate the warning system yes.
Originally Posted by XiZa
I would love if this worked more like facebook;
1 public channel, then for each private chat another channel (or tab) which would be better at the bottom instead of the side.
That way, users also won't make any mistakes by inadvertedly forgetting to type /pm first or mistyping it and thus releasing sensitive information on the public channel.
I am not very fan of the tabs.
Btw it would need full recoding of the template and I don't have time for it. Remember I do it for free during my free time
Originally Posted by XiZa
Another benefit would be that you could possibly cache the user permissions and would not have to check the user table on every /pm command + if user is allowed to use the command, etc
I don't understand this point.