I want to use an audio clip of something from a TV show that the show no longer uses anymore, even though it's still on the air. I bet using it is illegal since they still copyrighted it.
It will still be copyrighted

. Anything you hear on the TV/Radio is copyrighted.
HOWEVER, if I played it on guitar and sound recorded it for my website, couldn't I use that? I mean, it's me playing the music right, so therefore it's legit right?
Unfortunatly not, you still need to get permission to do this and there will be royalties involved.
I think I'm ok in this, as that is how Guitar Hero got to use songs like Heart Shaped Box by Nirvana as they had someone else singing the song and not Kurt Cobain.
I don't know for sure in this exact case but I'm assuming they would have got the rights to use the songs.
Lotsa people make midi versions of commercial songs and distribute them freely. I don't see any companies filing lawsuits on midi creators...
Alot of TAB sites have been sued in recent years.
The legalities of music is always a grey area, but always assume you can't use material without permission.
Hope this helps