I'm not sure if anyone else was having this issue (haven't seen anyone report it)... or if it had something to do with my style or I don't know what... But when viewing the rules page.. above the tables it was displaying part of the template code: body >
I ended up taking out the following code from the template (cyb_frules):
<if condition="(!$cfrulesagreed AND $cfrshowaccform)" >onload="Cafr_buttonCounter();"</if>
So yeah, just took it out entirely... which is ok for us cause we have the timer disabled anyways (or perhaps thats the problem)... I think that's for the timer anyways LOL
Another factors that may or may not have an impact on this... I have already accepted the rules so the accept button of course doesn't appear for me. I didn't check to see if the same issue occurs if I haven't accepted the rules.
Anyways... thought I'd bring that up in case it wasn't just me...
Either way.. Thanks a bunch Cyb.. This is an awesome mod (I feel like a broken record when referring to your mods but I truly mean it hehe)..
Always, Bree