Thank you for the hack Andreas.
I'm having an issue with my hide hack (itsid). I hit quickreply and receive this error over the hidden content. (instead of revealing the content)
Knowing that, I installed this hack to see what the issue is. This is the e-mail I got.
Missing or Invalid Security Token detected.
Script Call Backtrace
#0 /home/hipho13/public_html/forum/includes/functions.php line 2528: eval()
#1 /home/hipho13/public_html/forum/includes/init.php line 417:
fetch_error(security_token_missing,ltr,sendmessage .php)
#2 /home/hipho13/public_html/forum/global.php line 20:
#3 /home/hipho13/public_html/forum/showthread.php line 102:
#4 /home/hipho13/public_html/forum/vbseo.php line 1129:
POST Variables
[do] => whatever
[p] => 725
[all] => 725
[postid] => 725
[securitytoken] =>
Request URI
Anyone want to point me in the right direction? I'm aware I have to implement CSRF Protection, I just don't know where.