Thanks for the speedy reply...
That bit of code you posted isn't even in the adminfunctions.php file, the only thing close is this:
PHP Code:
function print_textarea_row($title, $name, $value = '', $rows = 4, $cols = 40, $htmlise = true, $doeditbutton = true, $direction = '', $textareaclass = false)
That's why I assumed that the code had changed for v3.7. I tried editing that, with no effect. I also looked for similar code in adminfunctions_template.php file as well as others, but I'm having a hard time tracking down the values I need.
All I'm trying to do is make the default size of the textarea in the template editor larger. I'm assuming that is going to be one piece of code because whenever you open a template to edit, it's always the same, regardless of the template.
When you do a View Source of the page, you get this for the textarea:
<div id="ctrl_template"><textarea name="template" id="ta_template_2" class="code" rows="22" cols="75" style="width:100%" wrap="virtual" dir="ltr" tabindex="1">
The problem is, I've search in loads of files for "ctrl_template", "template", "ta_template_2", etc, and I haven't come up with anything.
Anyway, sorry for the confusion, I hope that explains it a bit better.......TBH, I think I confused myself even more.....LOL