gryphon there is a wowhead mod for itemstats take a look at i have used it before but i dont know how to make it work with your addon
I tried looking at your code for functions_gitemstats.php and i couldnt find a way to insert all the information needed for parsing wowhead. I think someone will be able to do this and i like Itemstats as opposed to Sweede's addon due to flexibility. It is just a matter of adding the extra wowhead code for the parsing. Anyone have any ideas?
Well Guys i did it i got a working version of this parsing wowhead for the tooltips. I will post a version of it if it is allowed by gryphon but i will not do so until oked by him or i will send him the entire package to post. In this version you just have to type the name like [item]Warglaive of Azzinoth[/item] and the mouseover will show up