Originally Posted by dutchbb
I use to have that problem, can't remember what is was sorry. But if you double-check every customization you'll find the problem.
No I ofund the problem. I misspelled the answers format. Once corrected it was perfect.
I do have another question however.
Say I have two Drop down Menus. DropDownA with 5 Options and DropdownB with 3 options.
Is it possible to set the Dropdown boxes in this fashion..
If DropDownA (Option 1) Selected then DropDownB's Selectable options are a,b,c.
DropDown1 Offers, Warrior, Warlock, Priest.
If Warrior is selected then DropDownB would offer the Protection, Fury, Arms as an option.
If Warlock is selected DropDownB would offer Affliction, Demonology, Destruction as an option. I have a feeling it is possible...but im not sure how. Any help would be appreciated.