Originally Posted by XFSImperial
Edit the GXBL template. There's error in the code around the <head>, <body> tag and an extra > on the closing <if> tag.
No, the condition is within the <body> tag. By his error, you can see that it is finding a '<' not '>' as a problem. I don't know why this would only be happening for him.
@Holfy, I am unsure what could have caused that. I am running it on 4 different boards of various vBulletin versions and have had zero issues no have I heard of any like that. Some Google searching on Errcode: 17 shows it is a server issue, not vBulletin or the mod.
@x4A, run the cron and see if there are any errors or something. I can't begin to guess what the may be the problem without some kind of testing done to give me some kind of idea where the problem may be.
@bigfraggle, the game link is stored directly from the gamercard so there is no template or modification redily available to change it. You could try creating a replacement variable, though I am unsure how well that will work out.