Originally Posted by VBDev
Hi all,
I am just back from holidays !
Can someone make me a summary of what is working and what is not on the current version plz so that I can fix what need to be fixed. Too much posts to read ...
I am also having troubles with the channels showing text instead of the .gif for team and pm. I noticed for the General channel that the image called for in the coding is not the same as the image name. I am having troubles getting the Gen channel to show anything. Could this be one of the issues or has it always been this way?
In the coding it calls for <img id="mgc_cb_evo_channel_$channel[chanid]_on"
But in my channel image directory, it is called mgc_cb_gen_channel_sel.gif.
Is the evo and gen confusing the program?
I may be way off base, learning the coding stuff.
Another thing that I have noticed is that images folder for vB has the small i, and with the folder in the download package has the large I (Images).
Tom S.