Originally Posted by deepak7
think i should remove all ame links from cpanel, disable the plugin, add it again and rewrite the links from cp ?
Did you end up trying this? I'd be curious to know if that worked. My first thought was to try and rebuild the AME links from the CP. But that's one feature I have yet to try.
Originally Posted by Big Barry
Is their any way of embedding MP3's that are not locally hosted?
Not just any site in general. A definition has to be installed for each individual site and media type.
Originally Posted by maidos
thanks but can this mod stream fileshosted under own server like avi, mkv ?
Check the collection of definitions in the Addon section above. There's a ZIP file there for those kinds of media, with maybe the exception of MKV.
Originally Posted by MPDesignZ
My flash player is updated and I still get the same thing on the hack.
I can't imagine why it would do that. Could you copy and paste an example of your Replacement HTML from the YouTube definition?