Originally Posted by 321Go
could you please add that word filter i request, thanks 
The words should already be filtered by the vbulletin censor system no ?
Originally Posted by johnban
I created different channel but asks for commad. Anyway when I wll check it more I'll come back with more details.
Haven't understand anything but ok lol
Originally Posted by johnban
Now I found another issue. I have put for Reggister User Group to be able to see the Chatbox if they have atleast one post. I had a member that I was using for testing with one post. The Chatbox was not displaying until he did one more post.
So I assume that it checks the posts that the users do after the installation of the mod
If so I believe that is not correct. I have members that have more than one post but maybe they will not post for some days.
Can you please check it out??
Becareful there are two usergroup permissions one for the number of posts and one for the number of posts per day !
This is perhaps the number of posts per day that you have set no ?
Originally Posted by weedheaven
yes i do, and i am using it on the kirsch template for vb3.7 and the text apears white for me as admin. And tryd everything to change it. Doesnt work no matter what i try 
Is it the case with everyone ?