Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu
We installed this and works fine..
Not to sure on what the command files are and where they go, the instructions arent that clear.
Also when chat window launches. We get: Entrez Votre Chat >>
Even tho we installed english version lol
Any ideas where we can edit this please.
Managed to fix the issue.
Edited Product product-mgc_cb_evo
Searched for Entrez Votre Chat and changed to Type Here
After a few refreshes we are noticing an error in XP and Firefox.
Command files are clear. Read them. Simply goto the commands thing, import that xml in the commands dir pertaining to which you want installed. Done.
Default chat message is in French. Simply go in, change that default message to whatever, or disable it too. I disable it.
To Change/disable ---> AdminCP ---> MGC Chatbox Evo ----> Chats Formatting
Bottom of page. Message to display in the input field...