Nix! I just got finished reading like 40 pages, hundreds of posts and can't believe how many people have posted the bbcode error and how many times you have had to reply with "php 5".
Too bad they didn't read their way through or there wouldn't have been so many inquiries.
One person even offered money to have a fix for php 4! Your work is brilliant and this is a must have mod but a lot of us don't have the luxury of simply upgrading to php 5 or in my case, built and moded the site for a friend (free) and can't communicate with the host provider.
Even though I don't own the site I really want to install this one. I would be willing to donate something towards a php 4 fix for this mod!
If your will to do this for those of us that are willing to pay, how bout setting something up that would require payment first before allowing the download so you can pocket a little cash for all your efforts and make a whole boat load of people happy all at the same time.
It's a for sure fact that you'll get payed because I would be the first person in line!
Please let us all know.....