Originally Posted by MiahBeSmokin420
you got to be kidding my
you know what a <if condition="
tag dose in a template right??
you know something like
<if condition="ExampleNewPost">
click here to see your new posts
<else />
there are no new posts
Something like that but for this mod
i want to do the same type of thing just have things seen or hidden depending on if the person already read the tread
cant be too hard to understand
Firstly, rude tone not appreciated. Your first explanation was hard to understand without an example (given in your second post). Remember that we are here to try and help, so being nice gets you a lot further than insults.
I believe you're asking for something outside of the scope of this modification. Perhaps a few more examples of what you'd like it to accomplish would help us understand what you're getting at.
As it stands now, you choose the areas the person can view without being forced to read the thread. If they enter an area (or forum) of your choosing, they will be forced to read the thread to continue.
If I'm understanding it correctly, you want people to be able to access certain areas, but sections of templates will be hidden until they read the thread (i.e. they can enter their PM box, but not be able to view PM content until they read a thread)?
Depending on your implementation, it simply might be better to force people to read the thread upon entering the PM area (in the example above) instead of trying to get fancy by allowing limited access.